Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sean's 1st soccer game

Super Star Sean

So soccer has started! We started September 8th, which was also my Dad's birthday! Happy Birthday again Dad!! September 8th was skills day. There were about 130 kids out on the field they put the kids in groups of 8 and had them doing different drills to see where to place each kid and on which team. Skills day went well. Colin seemed to enjoy it also he can actually dribble the soccer ball pretty well. I tried getting him on the team because I noticed some other 2 year olds on the team had I known I would've signed him up. But, it was to late when I called to put Colin on with Sean. Anyways, we showed up for the first practice on Wednesday night and Sean was put on the 2,3,4 year olds gold team. Sean had his very first soccer game this morning. Well the game started off a little slow in the very beginning he was playing with the string on his shorts and his attention just wasn't on the game. He came off the field to get a sip of water and I said to him, Sean you have to go after the ball, ya know gave him a little pep talk! He got back out there and me being that crazy, obnoxious Mom on the sideline, I was screaming to him and cheering him on. He got back out there on offense and ended up scoring 2 goals before the 2nd half! I was very impressed to say the least and so excited! The 2nd half just had started and Sean scored his 3rd goal. Immediately after Sean's coach grabbed him and us and said we're going to put Sean with the 5 year olds for the 2nd half. We're glad he's doing so well but the other kids don't stand a chance with Sean on the field. So we happily gathered our stuff and moved to the 5 year olds field. Sean got right back in the game to score his 4th and final goal! I was thrilled with his performance and it was one of those sentimental days for me where I thought to myself wow he's really not a baby at all anymore he looked like such a big kid on that field today. Even though he is only 4 years old I thought to myself it feels like yesterday he was just Paulie's age and those 4 years went by to fast. It was almost a sigh of relief for me to think wow he's going to be such a great little boy and he's going to be great at anything he does. It was the best feeling in the world to watch him excel out there today. He was having so much fun and I could tell how happy he was with himself. At that point I felt so lucky and proud to have such great and talented little boys. As much as I complain about not having a daughter I must say I am really, really enjoying my boys right now. Today I felt like Im not missing out on anything by not having a daughter. I'm super excited and really looking forward to watching them with their sports and seeing them grow into young men. Lately I've been hearing more and more horror stories about different things that happen to people that seem to have the perfect lives and i've slowly been learning not to complain about what I don't have but appreciate what I do have, which is 3 beautiful little boys.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Birthday Party & Labor Day

Birthday Party & Labor Day

Well it's safe to say we're finished celebrating Colin's 2nd birthday. He had 3 celebrations this year, what a lucky kid! The first one Richie, Sean & I had a baseball carvel icecream cake at home for Colin on his real birthday. The weekend after Mom & Dad Fell threw a party at their house with both sides of their families. We enjoyed a nice bbq the kids played in the yard, Dad F took Maddy & Colin to the creek and Colin received some cool gifts he got a basketball net, a Little People's car carage, a fire truck,etc. Lastly but certainly not least we celebrated his birthday at my Mom & Dad's. We bbq'd, played volleyball, the kids got to run around in the yard, jumped on the trampoline, got pushed on the swings and had water gun fights. When the sun went down my Dad & Rich set off fireworks which was pretty neat. Colin got some presents that he enjoyed he got a Spiderman couch of his own, a cordless toddler phone, a spiderman tricycle, and more. We also sang but not only to Colin we also celebrated Paula, Mark, Kevin & Cousin Ryan's birthdays. Labor Day weekend was a good weekend for us. We enjoyed it, we went to pre-jordan class before the birthday party. It started out a little rough because we got thrown out initially for being late but the priest found us in the parking lot and let us come take class anyway! haha only us! We made arrangements for October 28th we will have the ceremony and a very small reception at our house with our immediate families and great grandparents. We decided we'll give Paulie a big 1st birthday party instead. I didn't realize this when I wrote my other blog but I noticed it was Cousin Kelly's birthday on the 31st I hope she had a great birthday! Hope you all enjoyed your labor day weekend! I'll be posting more to update you all on Sean's school and soccer starts. Talk to you soon!

Summer Vacation

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Start of September

Start of September

Unfortunately the warm weather is coming to an end, but we had a pretty good summer. The boys have been outside all day every day and as much as I hate the cold I'm looking forward to not having to sit out in 90 degree weather all the time. Soccer starts September 8th which will be skills day. I shouldn't have told Sean because he asks me everyday "do I have to go to soccer today?" He & Colin have been walking around the house in spikes for the last 2 weeks. He doesn't seem as thrilled to start school but I think this year will be easier for him to get back in the swing of it. He & I made some nice friends there last year who we've kept in touch with over summer and had a few play dates and I'm thinking it won't be as strange to him this year. Sean & Colin are starting to play a little nicer together they still have their fights every day, but I've noticed when the neighbor hits Sean, Colin is ready to physically defend his brother and vice versa. Sean actually told him, hey only I'm allowed to hit Colin! lol Anyways, Colin is doing better and better with talking right now his favorite word is "mine". The start of terrible 2's has begun and has been rough for me to say the least. He throws temper tantrums over anything that doesn't go his way. Sean has been getting a little fed up also. Colin got mad and threw his truck down the steps, so he wanted me to go down and get it, naturally I refused so Sean yelled "fine, i'll go get your truck as long as you shut the hell up"! Well I couldn't blame him, it makes our days seem longer. However, when we were with my grandmother he apologizes to her when he does something wrong and tries to soften her up, shows his sweet side. Probably because she doesn't put up with his temper! hah! I've never seen him do that before.. I know I make him out to sound like a little monster but he definitely does have a sweet side. Paulie is doing well he just hit 5 months on the 30th. I have him a little more situated on a schedule. He sleeps about 6-7 hours a night and takes a 2 hour nap after he eats lunch. I've been feeding him rice cereal mixed with fruit, which took a little getting used to but I feel that he has a full belly which allows him to sleep a little more. He is now skooching his way out of the bouncy seat, car seat and throws his body back in the bumbo chair when he wants to get out of it. He is doing that screamy noise right now. He still loves to play with his feet and he's amazed by his hands.

Well my sister Jaime and I took one last trip down to the shore Monday with the boys to visit Mommom & Pop Mayza. The boys had such a great time we went to the beach where the boys played in the sand, collected jellyfish, and played football. Paul was excellent on the beach he napped, ate and when he wasn't doing that he was pretty pleasant. The weather was perfect and it wasn't as crowded. At night we took them on the boardwalk they went on the rides, got ice cream and afterwards we'd go visit Mommom while she was playing fascination. They had a game in there called Deal or No Deal. It allowed you to win up to 1,000 tickets if you won. I got a little obsessive with it. There were a few times where I picked Deal and I had picked the personal case with 1,000 tickets in it. I wanted to win they had different things in there. Even though I didn't win, The boys got to get nice things anyway. Cousin Nicole cashed her tickets in and got each of the boys a Superman action figure that talked, and lit up. This past time we were just there Mommom cashed hers in to get Sean a mini skateboard ramp & Colin a fire Engine set. They were real happy when Mommom took them on a tram car ride, Sean and Colin really enjoyed that. The trip was really great, and I was glad to spend that extra time with my grandparents and sister. Jaime will be going back to college Monday, which will be sad for me we hung out a lot more this summer. I was glad we got to hang out. I want to also Thank Mommom & Pop for a wonderful vacation(s).

Here at home, things have been hard this past month. Rich started a new job at Colonial Cadillac and also took on 2 Bartending jobs for the managers of the new dealership and a side job for his old boss doing carpenter like work. He has been tired doing that and I've been tired from being with the boys alone and frustrated that I haven't really spent time with my husband. The extra money has been put to good use though. I just didn't realize how much that extra help from Rich with the kids made such a difference. Stupid things like me changing one diaper and he changing the other or occupying Sean & Colin while I'm tending to Paul. But, I know I have to do my part and hang in there. I think it's just that 3 is a hard task. Multi-tasking doesn't even sum it up. I love my boys and I know at the end of the day I was glad to be the one taking care of my family despite the long day.

Well Paulie's baptism is finally in the works we go to pre-jordan class on Sunday. I will feel better when it's done and taken care of. Sunday will also be a fun day afterwards we're going to my Mom & Dad's to celebrate Paula, Mark, Kevin, Ryan & Colin's birthdays. Exciting August news ...My best friend Linda & her husband Nick just had their 2nd child August 7th, a baby boy which they were hoping for so bad! Being they already have a beautiful daughter Giovanna. Baby Dominic had to stay in the NICU for 2 weeks but, Im glad to report that he is home and healthy! My mother and father in law just celebrated their 36th Wedding Anniversary on the 31st! :)