Saturday, March 1, 2008

Seans 5 and Paulies first tooth

Sean's 5!!
Sean Patrick turned 5 years old on February 19th. It feels like just yesterday we celebrated his first birthday and 4 years have already passed by. Sean had 2 birthday parties this year. We celebrated at our house on the 8th with Mom and Dad Fell, and the Pagnotta and Fell sides of the family, and our neighbors. Sean also had a birthday party this past weekend at my Mom & Dad's with my side of the family, and some of my close girlfriends, and their kids. At both parties we had a Spiderman theme and a Spiderman decorated cake. We really enjoyed celebrating Sean's birthday with our family, friends, and neighbors. He got some really cool presents and enjoyed playing with his new stuff at home to. We appreciate everyone who joined us for the parties. Sean really had a great birthday!

On the 20th we had parent/teacher conferences at Sean's school. His Dad and I observed the class for a half hour, we participated in some of the activities with Sean and his class mates. Sean was the weather person that day and had to tell the class what the weather was like outside and he stood by the window and his classmates would ask him different questions like is it cloudy out, what color the sky was, if it was raining or snowing, etc. We then sat and looked over his report card, shortly after we met in the other room with his teacher Mrs. Saybolt. She told us that Sean is really doing great and he's all ready for kindergarten next year. He's getting much better at writing his name, he just needs to work on how he holds his pencil. The teacher closed the conference with telling us how proud we will be of him and how intelligent he really is. She said "You don't have to tell Sean anything twice". That made us feel great as parents to know how good he is doing in school. I soon realized the next day what his teacher meant when Dolores and I took the kids to the mall. Sean and Colin ran way in front of us we lost sight and me screaming to them was pointless at that time. As we were walking up the security guard was in sight and was standing there with the 2 boys. The security guard told me how smart they were. He said your older boy was so calm and just told me "It's ok im lost, just call my Mom she'll come get me" and he recited our home phone number to the guard. The security guard said how smart he is and he got a kick out of them both. Of course my heart was racing and I told them they scared me half to death and Sean said "We weren't scared Mom". Thank god Sean and his classmates had to learn their phone numbers for school. I realized how helpful knowing our phone number could be in situations like that.

Colin is getting taller and thinner. He is communicating very well with us, his speech is much better. He likes to answer the phone and most people now mistake him with Sean when he answers the phone now. We still haven't been doing to good with potty training but I plan on working with him more over the summer in hopes that he can start school in the fall. Although most of the mom's that have other children in the 3 year old class say they can tell who just turned 3 before starting school and who didn't. I figured we'll give it a try and if he has to do pre-k twice thats fine. I think he'll enjoy school.

Paulie got his first tooth last thursday!! Yay! I was getting a little worried because he is 11 months now and I was starting to wonder if he'd ever get any teeth. They seem like they're all going to come in at once. He's been up during the night in pain because his mouths a little swollen you can tell more teeth are going to come through. But I guess its better he gets them all in now at one time so we won't have to do it one by one. He is eating everything now and just came off formula completely this week. He had trouble with regular milk so we give him lactaid and he's doing well with it. He is cruising around really well and really fast. He is now pulling up on everything and almost standing freely I have a feeling it won't be long before he takes his first step. He is at such an exciting stage we're getting to see his personality come out, and he's doing something new every day. He is going to have such a funny personality he is always doing things to make us laugh. Along with Ma & Da he is now saying that and c-c-c-aa meaning cat. He's going to talk early to. I can't believe he's going to be a year the end of this month. When we decide his birthday plans Ill let everybody know.

Rich and I just celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the 28th. Well thats the updates for now, ill be updating as much as possible!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

January 08'

January 08'

Well the holidays are over. But we all had a great christmas. We spent Christmas eve at Mom & Dad Fell's. We visited with Grandmom, Aunt JoAnn, Joe, and Dominic. We had dinner and exchanged gifts. On Christmas morning, the boys woke up very excited to open presents. they got spoiled by Santa and our families. We had dinner at my Mom & Dad's we always have a good time and lots of laughs. We want to Thank everybody that we didn't get to see on Christmas that got the boys gifts. We all really appreciated it and hope you all had a good christmas to. We celebrated the new year with my best friend Linda, her husband Nick and her 2 kids. She has a daughter Colin's age, and a son a few months younger than Paulie. So it was nice to be with friends and our kids. The kids had a great time they all played together and banged pots and pans at midnight.

January is always a drag the holidays are over, no more parties or running around. But we are looking forward to watching Sean start his indoor soccer season soon. Sean's also preparing for kindergaten we are looking at Our Lady of Calvary catholic school next week. He also will be getting his report card next month. Im anxious to see how he's done so far. Colin will also start school in September as long as I get him fully potty trained. I think he'll enjoy school. Paulie hasn't gotten any teeth yet still. But he is crawling and getting around pretty fast and well.
I'm looking forward to doing dinner with my girlfriends Sunday night we always get together around Christmas time. Now that some of us have kids and careers it's harder for all 8 of us to find one day that works for everybody but Im glad we found a date that we can all hang out and catch up. I need it, being in the house all the time really bothers me sometimes. So im glad i'll get some time out. This week my grandparents took us all to Chuck E Cheese the boys had a great time as always! We had a nice lunch, the boys played lots of games, and Mommom didnt get into a fight with anyone so it was a successful trip! hahaha! I wanted to say congrats to Mollie & Dan they found out they are having a girl last week! Mollie, you will have so much fun with a girl!!
Hope everybody has a great New Year!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Our trip to see Santa!

Preparing for the Holidays

Preparing for the Holidays
The beginning of December we got to take a trip to Uncle Dan's & Aunt
Terri's to see Grandmom for her birthday we also got to visit
with Chrissy, Mike and the kids, and Aunt Donna & Uncle Buddy to.
We were happy to visit with everyone and catch up a little bit. Well
preparing for the holidays was simple at the end of November, and
for once I thought I'd actually be finished shopping way before now but
it appears that it's not so. All 3 boys have come down with the seasonal
cold and Paulie is at the beginning of getting over the RSV virus that most
babies do get during winter but it also means being careful about
going out in crowds & making sure when doing a group party that nobody
else has a cold that could be passed on because, RSV could
become dangerous if not treated properly. Paulie has been
coughing with a fever and he's also not his normal happy self.
We're hoping that changes very soon
especially with Christmas coming next week. Well the
boys have been very excited for Santa to come and using the
saying Santa's watching!
does help as far as disciplining so I don't know what Im
going to use when Christmas is over. But, Sean has celebrated with
a pinata at school, Rich dressing up as Santa and his class did a
christmas caroling show the last day of school before break which
was last week. Rich enjoyed
playing Santa, he thought Sean had no idea that it was him. But
when we brought Sean home that day he said Mommy, Santa's
voice sounded just like Richie's and he also wears the same shoes
Rich does when he goes to work on Dan's house, lol. Of course I had
to turn my back and laugh he doesn't miss a thing! We explained that
it was just a coincidince but we were thinking it was his way of telling us
he knew that Rich played Santa that day. Although we did take the
boys to Feeney's Nursery tonight
to see Santa there to. It's this cute little store and
plant nursery that has Santa come and you bring your own
camera and take pictures. Which I
like better anyway. First we sat Paulie down but he didnt
realize who's lap he was on then Sean stepped in next to him
and Colin just screamed
when we got up close. Once Paulie saw me taking the
pictures and Colin on Rich's lap he turned his head to see
who's lap he was on and that's when
he lost it! lol Santa pictures always have one crying until they're a
little older but we enjoyed taking funny pictures and walking
around the store to see all
the nice Christmas trees they have decorated and all the
nice ornaments
they sell there. We did have a nice night together! As far as finishing
shopping I got to go out Tuesday night and get a little more done.
I'm almost completely finished just a few more things to do which
Im hoping will be done over the weekend. Year after Year I find it to
be a struggle of coming up with new ideas of getting what for
which person. Sometimes I find
myself buying just to buy because Im running out of ideas. Christmas has
become the time of year when the store owners get filthy rich really quick
by buying things that the receiver doesn't really need or want. haha and I
didnt even really think of it until today when talking to Chrissy.
It is bizarre if you think about it. But i'm still excited about being with
family and watching everyone open gifts. This holiday Sean & Colin are a
little older
where they will know what they're opening and I think they're going to be
super excited about getting some presents on their list. They started
getting into the holiday spirit by making christmas cookies with both
MomMom's. I also love Christmas movies so they've been into
watching some of those to. We decorated our tree the week after
Thanksgiving and that was also a fun family activity. As it is getting
closer to Christmas Im excited to
keep up with our traditional plans for the holidays and I always
do miss seeing the decorations and the lights when its all over. But
at least the craziness of shopping and spending will be over with. I
hope you all have a
beautiful christmas and a blessed new years! Best wishes of
Happiness & Healthiness to all!