Saturday, August 4, 2007

Approaching August /Starting Schedules

Approaching August & Starting Schedules

We're approaching the end of summer very soon which is upsetting. I enjoy the warm weather, the bbq's, vacations, and the boys love being outside all the time. However, Sean is thrilled for Fall to start. He'll be starting back at school, playing on his first soccer team, and he's been picking out halloween costumes out of his new catalogue. My Mom gave him a costume magazine and he brings it with us everywhere!! I'm excited for his upcoming school year he'll be going Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday in the morning. He was going to do the afternoon hours but I figured the morning class would be a good opportunity for me to put the boys in bed at a descent time and get them on a schedule that's more practical. Right now their schedules are very irregular and their bedtime is later than 10pm.

I've been going back and forth on what to do about putting Paul on a good schedule. He just hit 4 months of age but he doesn't sleep through the night nor does he nap well during the day. It's hard for me, because Sean and Colin were sleeping 8 hours a night by 6 weeks. I am thinking of weaning him on formula to see if it will improve his sleeping patterns and get him on a more defined schedule. Breastfeeding is more feed him when he's hungry. Which is not ideal when there are 2 other little ones to tend to. I'm not very fond with the idea of giving up nursing because the bonding experience is amazing. However at this point I think it'll be beneficial for me to get better rest at night. I guess time will tell what's best. Im open to any suggestions! Paulie is rolling over and is holding his head up completely.My girlfriend gave me this chair called a bamboo seat it sits the baby completely upright and makes him feel like he's doing it on his own, he is pretty content when he's in it. He smiles and laughs out loud and he keeps those arms and legs going. He now holds rattles in his hand and sucks his thumb to. Sucking his thumb isn't something new he is doing but, he's doing it a lot more. I can tell he is going to have such a cute personality.

Last week the boys and I took a trip down the shore. Wednesday we left early morning spent the day on the beach in Sea Isle to pick Sean up from his Dad. We then rode over to my Mom-mom's who has a shore house in North Wildwood. We took the boys to the boardwalk and put them on the rides. They had so much was difficult getting Colin off the rides he'd try to re strap himself in so that I couldn't lift him out. He has such a strong personality. He is getting better behavior wise although every now and again we find ourselves punishing him for hitting other kids. Lately he has been showing a sweet side though to. Colin is better with sharing and is more giving to. I catch him handing over toys that Sean Patrick wants to play with. He is trying to speak a lot more now, which is making me feel more at ease. He is using the potty a lot, he has a little toilet seat that he puts inside the regular toilet seat and climbs up and does his business. I'm hoping he'll be fully trained in a few months!

I can't believe he'll be 2 on the 8th! We are starting to discuss how we are going to celebrate his birthday this year. Last year's party was a nice family outing. But, I think this year we are going to do a possible kiddie party and celebrate on the side with our immediate families. Nothing is definite yet though. There is still no plan for Paul's baptism but I'm definitely going to have a late August/ early September christening for him with our parents and siblings. The rectory hasn't been answering phones lately so it's hard to plan.

As for me, my surgery was more painful then expected. But with lots of help from my family I've recovered pretty quickly. Today I had my stitches out, I'm glad it's over with. I just hope the swelling starts to go down a little faster now. Rich is doing okay, he is job searching again. His current job is to far from home and he wants more opportunity for advancement. We are hoping that he finds what he is looking for. Well...wish us luck! Hope everybody is having a good summer!